Project Life Cycle

Project Life Cycle


            The specialized and combined character of our services, gives us the comparative advantage to be able to provide the most spherical solutions for every issue that arises regarding real estate. Therefore, EMPHAS!S undertakes the following tasks with full responsibility and consistency based on value management and value engineering methods:

Locate the right property for each project and offer project development consultancy support

Locate the right property for each project and offer project development consultancy support

            Finding the right property for the development of specific projects, especially in a foreign country, can be a difficult and complicated process. Through our ever-growing network of partners, we have the ability to find and present the best properties of potential interest. Therefore, you can trust us with your investment idea and we can find the right property for the certain activity you are interested in or we can offer you reliable solutions for the exploitation of a specific property of your choice.
            At the same time, the methodical monitoring and analysis of market prospects and developments, enables us to safely advise you on the further use of your property, as well as the necessary permits and procedures that will be needed for the development of this activity. We can also examine the potential of including your investment in a national grant program to double your winnings.

Research of the Legal and Urban Planning Regime & support

Research of the Legal and Urban Planning Regime & support

            Each project and each property have its own unique characteristics and especially in the early stages require great attention in terms of the urban planning background and the complicated legal framework. The procedures required for a property to be considered legally and technically “clean” as well as the demand to satisfy the proper designated land-uses, led us to develop the real estate legal and technical support department of our company, that is based on our extensive experience.             A team of experienced engineers, surveyors, architects and environmentalists, provide important advice regarding your property’s exploitation, while their responsibility is to create a complete dossier for each property assigned to us. Also, cooperating lawyers specialized in real estate investments, undertake the investigation of the property’s ownership titles and its possible encumbrances (mortgages, claims, foreclosures) that may go with it. In case of obstruction, they undertake the coordination of the settlement process – if possible – so that the property can be delivered free from legal defects.             We methodically undertake every process related to the issuance of supporting documents and certificates by all real estate agents: mortgage offices, municipalities, prefectures, municipalities, cadastral offices etc and we deliver them to you responsibly and comprehensively in a reasonable time frame. Indicatively, we can provide:

Architectural plans & design

Architectural plans & design

            The key to the successful design of real estate development projects is our close contact with our clients in order to record with details and fully understand their personal and business needs, requirements, likings and uniqueness.             Our capability to combine the classic with the modern, the industrial style with ecological technologies, as well as to apply new well-being techniques, is what makes our team stand out and satisfy the designing expectations and demands of each client and project.
The high technical specialization and training of our collaborators along with their inspiration and passion for their work, guarantee an interior and exterior architecturally exceptional and elegant result.

Cost estimation and construction technical report

Cost estimation and construction technical report

            In our company, after decades of experience in the construction field, we now possess significant knowledge in the full range of technical works, thus we have the ability to accurately cost even the most complex projects.
An important factor in our work is that we make rational decisions at the early stage of designing the project, which later, during the construction and operation, will allow the investors to use their resources efficiently, without unnecessary costs. Specifically, our company cooperates with cost estimators capable of calculating with high precision even the most demanding projects, thus saving our clients from additional costs.

Construction inspections & supervision of work processes

Construction inspections & supervision of work processes

            A necessary condition for the technically and qualitatively correct execution of complex construction works where many technical crews participate, is the existence of a properly trained and experienced collaborator, in order to undertake the coordination of the working groups and ensure their smooth cooperation, supervise the implementation of the plans and the specifications of relevant studies, to ensure the compliance with the time-tables, as well as to propose corrections if necessary.
            Our goal is to establish a long and sustainable relationship of trust with our clients, by eliminating any environmental impact during the construction processes, taking all the necessary safety measures and ensuring the best possible quality of the construction result. If you entrust us with the implementation of your project, we guarantee you an excellent result technically, financially and on the right time.

Project Delivery

Project Delivery

            Trust us the implementation of your project and we guarantee you an excellent result both technically, financially and in time. As proof of the ability and experience of EMPHAS!S in the design and management of ambitious and complex projects, we present the following: